Sunday, June 1, 2008

We found the shack ! We found the shack !

When we set out on tour, we were determined to find the shack that is pictured on the cover of the new album. Not an easy task, considering Geoff became obsessed with taking pictures of shacks on the last western tour.

Originally, we thought it was somewhere in Saskatchewan, but it turns out it was just outside of Vulcan, Alberta. Can't think of the road number right now.

So, we had to get out and take our picture in front of it. It's the next big tourist attraction for TST fans ( beware of farmer with shotgun ).

The front and back covers of the album were actually taken within 10 km of each other.

Nanton was awesome. Great folks out there. Got some video and audio recordings. Will post later ( Much later...)

Sitting in the Golden Taps right now waiting for some people to show up. Ah, the rock n' roll biz.


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