Hello Friends,
For those of us in the performing arts community, we are most likely looking at a longer recovery than most sectors of the economy, considering we depend on crowds gathering in order to do our jobs. Who would willingly file into a packed 1000-seat auditorium, or stand shoulder-to-shoulder in a 120 capacity pub right now? Not it!
Getting back to some sense of normalcy will take time. If I had to guess, I would say summer 2022...but I'd be foolish to guess where COVID is concerned.
Whenever normal gets here, I will welcome the opportunity to hit the road and hop on the stage to perform for all of you!
Until then, I'll continue to do my very best to bring you great music, and to entertain! This Friday, tune into the Facebook page for Live From The Jam Zone : Session #3 with guest Mike Corrigan joining me to provide percussion to the proceedings. We go live at 7 PM.

I have been recording these sessions and posting them on my bandcamp page for Song Supporters to download/stream at their leisure (Technology willing, this session will be posted as well). Become a Savage Song Supporter for $5/month (or more) and receive a whole bunch of music instantly, plus everything I release in the future. Since COVID, I've been using this subscription service as a way of offsetting my income losses due to lack of merchandise sales...rather, almost complete disappearance of merch sales! It's a significant amount of money for me ($15000 in 2019).
I'm working hard to give subscribers top value, and the music is coming fast and furious. Thursday, I will be releasing a reissue of my 2011 EP, Living Room Session.

As the title suggests, this EP was recorded in my living room. A lo-fi, bare bones collection of folk songs. I've taken the opportunity to remix and remaster the songs, opting to give them an even more lo-fi sound than I had ten years ago, purposely using modern technology to mimic a cassette 4-track recorder as best as I can. Fans of Springsteen's "Nebraska" record should enjoy this collection of songs. You can pick up for $6 ( or become a song supporter for $5, and get EVERYTHING).
Bandcamp Friday
Speaking of Bandcamp, this Friday is what's known as #bandcampfriday. Bandcamp sets aside one Friday a month in which they waive all of their fees, and give 100% of purchase money directly to the artists. It's the best day to discover the site and all they have to offer. I'll be laying down a few bucks to support my fellow artists. I'm looking to support local, so if you have links of Kingston-area artists on Bandcamp, send me a tweet or comment on my Facebook page @tomsavagemusic and I'll help get the word out.
Also, I want to give a shoutout to my friend Sean Burns, who released a great country album, We Gotta Lotta Truckin' To Do, in support of legendary Winnipeg venue, the Times Changed High and Lonesome Club.

Touring musicians who are currently not touring: Don't forget about the venues that have helped you out along the way over the years. Throw some $$ their way!
Clem Chesterfield Kickstarter
Kingston country music crooner, Clem Chesterfield is getting his new record bullwhipped into shape, and you can help him out by funding his Kick starter campaign -
Another way you can #supportlocal !
Another way you can #supportlocal !
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