Saturday, July 5, 2008

"The County Line" - #5 on Earshot monthly Roots Chart

Hey, this is cool. "The County Line" hit #5 on the Earshot Roots chart for the month of June. That's for all of Canada.

Thanks again to those who have been giving the record spins. It's great to know the record is being played, and more importantly, being heard by folks across the country.

Special thanks to David Ivany from CILU, in Thunder Bay, for being such an avid supporter of my music over these past couple of years. It was his enthusiastic support of my last record, Never Shed No Tears, that spurred me on to get back on the road, and playing more shows.

Community radio is a huge part of any indie band's success. So, turn it on every now and then, and have a listen. It's pretty much guaranteed you'll hear something you've never heard before.

...and not Sweet Home Alabama for the 30,000,000th time.

Fans can call their local community radio station and request a song from "The County Line". Let's see if we can keep it on there for the month of July.

Tom Savage

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